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What makes customers/clients want to buy your product or service?

What makes customers or clients want to buy? Could you be driving them away?
September 12, 2018

Your customers face decisions daily. In fact, they are bombarded constantly from many different mediums to buy this, or buy that. So how does a customer choose between competing companies to purchase something? Specifically, what would make them want your product or service over another?

First let's examine why a customer would NOT want your service or would delay buying:

***They think if they wait, they may get a better price Bottom line:whether it's a new blouse or online course, if your pricing model shows one price, yet you offer it at a discount fairly quickly, you are, in effect, "training" your client to hold off from buying.

*** They don't see how your program or product could benefit them Your client isn't thinking about how to help you, they are only concerned with how your product can make them look or feel better, save or make them money, or help their status or relationships in some way. If they can't feel the end result, it is unlikely they will buy.

*** They don't trust you Bottom line: they haven't decided if you're a smarmy salesperson (bad) or a leader in your field (good).

*** They think purchasing from you will be too difficult Bottom line: make your signup or buying process as clear and straightforward as possible; the fewer steps the better.

***You annoy them too much with advertising, and they've tuned you out. Bottom line: if you email your list too often or they see your ad on Google or Facebook too much, it's the same in a customer's mind as having a telemarketer constantly calling.

So what is it that triggers a customer to want to buy?

Obviously, people do buy all kinds of products and services. However:

*** Price is not the deciding factor--many will open their wallets for the right item or opportunity.

*** A person's income level doesn't matter, though if you have a very exclusive high end product, that may eliminate some sales.

*** Sometimes people don't know exactly what they want. Peer review matters in the decision making process, as does making sure you are perfectly clear on what you offer.

A customer will purchase if your offer or product has these qualities:

*** They get to know and trust you or your company Just letting people know about what you have to offer isn't enough. Spend time in your videos, emails and social media letting people get to know you and what your company stands for. Bottom line: it's not how fancy an education you have or what you own, it's about being likable in the customer's eyes. If your company has a mission statement, make sure people know what it is and what it stands for.

*** They feel the offer or product will bring a positive result to their life. Bottom line: if they decide your product or service will help them look or feel better, that they'll make or save more money, or they'll solve a problem in their life, they will buy.

***They feel there is good after sale support Bottom line: if they feel they can get customer support or satisfaction after they's signed up or bought, they will be more likely to purchase again or refer you to friends. "Buyer's remorse" is a real feeling for many and feeling reassured that their purchase is a wise one happens before the actual purchase. Have a strong yet fair return/exchange policy in place for your service or product.

If you use these points to examine your offer and sales process, you'll see your business increase.

To your abundance with love, Suzanne