Everyone who's been online runs across this at some point: people touting ways to make large sums of money online. It's in Facebook ads, web searches, and spam emails. So what offers are legitimate and which should you avoid? Are these people real? Can you really make money online?
The answer is YES! you can make money online. However, it's not usually an overnight thing: it takes time to implement, to become known, to have people gain trust in you.
Many budding entrepreneurs have excitedly signed up for programs and courses, only to discover the "promise" of six figures just doesn't work out for them. Many throw money at books and programs set up by that rare individual who has actually done it, not realizing that the author or product creator actually spent many, many years working at being an "overnight success".
How do you make money online?
*** Sell something: products or services
*** Sell other people's things: affiliate marketing
Notice the word "sell". Yes, you have to sell something! Sell yourself, sell for someone else, but you have to sell. This is what turns away budding entrepreneurs. It's not scary though, selling is, simply put, creating a product or service and promoting it to people who are searching for what you are offering.
You have to DO something
This is the tripping point for most new entrepreneurs. Lured by the idea that they don't need a website, don't need a product, and don't need to sell anything, they become disheartened once they discover they actually have to do some real work to get the results they want.
There are legitimate courses and instructions available that can show you how to get started, build your business, motivate you and much more. There's Udemy and Coursera, popular gurus such as Tony Robbins, Derek Halpern, Carrie Green, Christian Mickelsen, Lisa Sasevich, Joe Vitale, and many more. Including me, Suzanne Munley.
You have to do the work and keep going
What's your business idea? Bring it forth! you have something awesome to contribute to the world.
Don't give up too soon
Many people do, and it's a shame. Some great businesses take time, and growth is rarely linear. Most of the time it's one step forward and two steps back. Don't think after a short time with little or no results that things aren't working and quit or move on to another opportunity. Just keep learning, keep promoting, and keep going!
Don't be afraid to do a "shameless plug" of yourself
You are not just selling a product or service, people are responding to who you are and how your offer can help them. Believe in your product or service and don't be meek!
Go on- create something great and get it out there for the world
Your income may trickle in at first, but after a while it will increase.
Here's an article from Entrepreneur Magazine with some realistic ways to make money online and get things started for you. READ HERE
To your abundance with love, Suzanne